Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Okay, so I'll be honest here, the past 2 days have sucked. With the news of Loren's departure date I have been sad, teary, and impatient. Luckily Loren has been wonderful and he always is!! The good news is today is his last day of work till he leaves. We have debated about doing a little family trip for awhile but didn't know where to go. We have done all the day trips around here and gone to all the places within driving distance. So it came to us last night around midnight! (yes we were up that late. sleep isn't that important these days) We need some fun family time rather than sit around all weekend with our minds occupied on the deployment. So, hmm, where can we go that will give us some much needed FUN and DISTRACTION....


That's right we are off to see MICKEY MOUSE!

MICKEY Pictures, Images and Photos

We leave bright and early Friday morning for EURO DISNEY and get home Sunday!!! Its in Paris, which is only a 4 hour drive! We are both REALLY excited! We haven't told Seth yet! He's going to be SOOOO EXCITED! The poor kid has never been to Disneyland...I know, I know, but hey he's only 4 and we have lived in Europe for 3 1/2 years.

So off I go getting us ready for our trip...laundry, packing, oh my! *smiles*

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Oh Katie I'm so excited for you guys. Seth is going to be in absolute Heaven. I hope it's all decorated for Christmas for you guys!

I can't wait to go see it this time of year! Merry early Christmas!!