Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I'm back!

I Know, I know...I haven't blogged since I left Germany. Honest truth, haven't been on the computer much since I've been in California. My time has been very busy here and the time I have I want to visit with my family.

Anyway, I get back to Germany in a couple weeks and will try and start this thingy back up!
In the meantime, here are some updates on the boys!

Seth has loved being in the States! He loves his cousins and has a new found infatuation with Chuck E Cheese, Disney cartoons, and commercials! All of which we do not get in beautiful Germany. I think he'll go into cultural shock when we get home! Also, Seth is a VERY picky eater and is finally opening up to more foods such as eggs, hot dogs, and bagels with cream cheese.

Adam, is 7 months old and is still the sweetest thing! He started crawling about a week before he turned 7 moths. He claps, gives kisses, and is pulling himself to a standing position. He also loves his veggies and is opening up to the fruits. His favorite's are squash, sweet potatoes, and carrots. He'd rather have the veggies than fruit! He also loves the Gerber Puffs and is starting to self feed.

Both boys are wonderful! Loren's deployment is almost up and we will be a family again in a matter of weeks! We are so excited!

I'll write more soon! Love you all!

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